Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen

Contemporary Online

Our theme auction Contemporary Online gives you the opportunity to discover emerging Swedish contemporary artists. With works by young and renowned artists such as Julia Peirone, Tilda Lovell, David Molander and Sara-Vide Ericson you can start building your own contemporary art collection. The auction also includes a selection of works by established artists such as Karin Mamma Andersson, Jan Håfström, Ernst Billgren and Dan Wolgers together with several interesting sculptures in various materials.
View all works online and in our showroom at Berzelii Park 1 in central Stockholm June 13-16 at 9-5 PM and in our showroom in Malmö at Carlsgatan 54.

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Important Spring Sale 657

795. Lotte Laserstein, Oxford Canal.
15 000 - 18 000 SEK
Tämänhetkinen tarjous: